Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Exciting new releases

There are a few tantalizing new releases on the horizon that I'm eager to get my mitts on. Let's review, shall we?

I don't know a whole lot about The Cookies except that they were session vocalists who recorded under a number of different names, but there are some awesome tracks on here. "Softly in the Night", "Please Don't Wake Me", and "Make the Night Last a Little Longer" are all marvelous songs. I'm hoping the rest of the compilation is as much of a goldmine.

The title track to this Glenda Collins compilation kicks major derriere. I first heard it on the Joe Meek's Girls CD, and there's no better anthem for going out on a Friday night after a long week of work.

FINALLY, Serge Gainsbourg's brilliantly funky soundtrack to William Klein's film Mister Freedom has been reissued. I have seen this sell on eBay for HUNDREDS of dollars. Thank you Vadim Music!!

Last but not least, Vadim Music has also reissued Francois de Roubaix's soundtrack to L'Homme Orchestre. I've only heard one track from this album, but it's so legendary amongst '60s and '70s film music fans, that I get the sense that it must be worth having.

I'm off to LA for a few days next week, and I'm harboring a secret hope that I'll have time to unearth a gem or two in the record shops while I'm there!

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